Orosi, circa 1897.
On the back of the photograph is written: "Grandpa Robb & Marguerite at the ranch in Orosi."; below that someone else has written: "Helen wrote this - It was my Father". Most likely this is an image of Marguerite R. Robb and her father Walter Russell Robb. "Helen" probably refers to Marguerite's sister-in-law, Helen Louise Eby. The Robb family is listed as residents of Orosi, in the 1900 U.S. Census.
Close up:
Photo postcard of the Springville Hotel (Springville, CA). It's postmarked September 1910.
An old photo postcard image. The year is apparently 1913, e.g. There are 2 posters in the background announcing Ringling Bros. Circus coming to Visalia on "Fri. Sept. 5", (this would be in 1913).
I've found no record of a store in Tulare County with the name "Mussen". In fact, I couldn't find anyone living in Tulare County with the last name "Mussen" between the years 1900 - 1925. The person who sent this postcard (to his wife) identifies the two men as "Musson & Son". I own several postcards from this person, and one of them is definitely from Woodlake. Also, the newspaper being held by one of the men appears to be the "Woodlake Echo". I did find a William M. Musson in the 1916 voter's registration, living in Woodlake; his occupation is listed as "grocer". His son also lived in Woodlake around this time.
grocer's trade journal (published April 7, 1916) states: "Woodlake, Cal. - H. Rassmissen has purchased the Woodlake Cash Grocery Store from Wm. Musson." It's strange that their name would be misspelled on the store's awning.
Photo by E. J. Kildare of Visalia, circa 1873. There is some writing on the back of the photograph, much of it is hard to decipher. But it does indicate that her name might be "Maria".
Photograph by S. W. Watrous of Visalia, circa 1881.
Both photographs below are of Frances 'Fannie' Norma Bragg (1873 - 1945). The first photo is by S.W. Watrous of Visalia, circa 1888. Fannie is 14 or 15 years old here. The second photograph, by C.A. Myers, states her age is 18. Frances married Julius S. Glenn in 1900, in Tulare County. They had several children.

On the back of the photograph is written: "Fannie N. Bragg. Yokohl Tulare Co, Cal - 14 yrs", (the "4" of "14" may be a "5"). On the opposite corner of the back someone has written "Rowena Millsap". Perhaps the photo was sent to Rowena (?)
On the back of this photo is written: "Fannie Bragg - 18 yrs. Yokohl, Tulare Co, Cal. Dec. 1892". Fannie would have turned 19 at the end of that December. As with the previous photo, the name "Rowena Millsap" is written in another corner of the back.
(Update 4/26/19) In the book Yokohl, A History of Its People and Their Culture. by Schott Barker, it mentions Frances and her family. e.g. Her father, Norman Hart Bragg, started the Blue Ridge School in the Upper Yokohl Valley. Frances was educated by her father and she taught at this school until her marriage to Julius Glenn.